Dec 26 2024

Evidence Based Medicine Research Center

WHO Recognizes Endocrinology and Metabolism Institute as Collaborating Centre

WHO Recognizes Endocrinology and Metabolism Institute as Collaborating Centre

The Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Institute of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (IRA-51) has been re-designated as a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre. This recognition underscores the institute’s dedication to addressing critical public health challenges, particularly diabetes and osteoporosis.

As a WHO Collaborating Centre, the institute will play a pivotal role in supporting the organization’s efforts to improve global health outcomes. Key responsibilities include:

Providing evidence-based insights on reducing the burden of diabetes and enhancing healthcare responses, with a focus on primary care.

Generating valuable data on osteoporosis in the region to inform policy decisions and interventions.

Developing comprehensive protocols for evaluating diabetes management in primary healthcare systems across the Mediterranean region.

Conducting in-depth analyses of the prevalence and impact of osteoporosis and fragility fractures in the target region.

To effectively fulfill these objectives, the institute seeks technical and financial assistance from the WHO Country Office. By working together, the institute and WHO can leverage their combined expertise to drive meaningful change in the field of endocrinology and metabolism.

The re-designation as a WHO Collaborating Centre marks a significant achievement for the Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Institute, reaffirming its commitment to excellence in research, education, and clinical care. The institute looks forward to collaborating with the WHO Country Office and other partners to make a lasting impact on global health.

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