Mar 14 2025

Evidence Based Medicine Research Center



The philosophy behind the establishment of this center, and earlier the Evidence-Based Medicine group since 2004, has been to promote evidence-based medicine, the logic, and the common language of contemporary global medicine among physicians in the country. The main mission of the center is to assist health professionals in making better decisions regarding healthcare, especially clinical decision-making by doctors. This goal is achieved through educational, research, executive, and consulting activities.

Since evidence-based medicine is essentially a more scientific and credible form of medicine, representing critical thinking in the medical field, this center, in addition to monitoring the growing movement towards evidence-based science, particularly medicine, also aims to strengthen clinical decision-making, medical education, scientific thinking, philosophy of science, critical thinking, and philosophy of medicine. Its mission is to promote the logic of this movement, its concepts, and tools within the country, as well as to develop cognitive skills for decision-making and reasoning based on the best available evidence at various levels of health professionals, particularly doctors. Our slogan is: "The best available evidence, sound reasoning, appropriate decision-making." The Evidence-Based Medical Research Center must continue to provide the following services indefinitely:

  • Evidence-based medical education and integrated clinical decision-making education in the fields of endocrinology and metabolism for medical students at Shariati Hospital at 5 levels (endocrinology and metabolism fellows, internal medicine residents, general medicine students including physiopathology, interns, and clerks).
  • Teaching critical thinking, scientific thinking, reasoning, and evidence-based clinical and medical decision-making in a longitudinal course to general medical students at Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
  • Designing and implementing research projects and supervising student theses in the center's focus areas.
  • Collaborating with the medical school in assessing critical thinking skills in entrance exams or clinical competency evaluations.
  • Providing consulting services and collaborating with other educational/research centers and universities across the country to set up and implement their programs in the center's areas of focus.


Vision for 2025

  • Becoming the most influential center and reference for evidence-based medical education and clinical decision-making at the national level.
  • Becoming the most influential center and reference for teaching critical thinking, scientific thinking, and the philosophy of medicine for the medical community at the national level.
  • Becoming a model for clinical education in the national general medicine curriculum.
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